오늘(12월1일) 나는 광주전파관리소에서 주관한 아마추어무선국 자율지도위원 간담회에 참석하여 불법무선국 단속에 대하여 많은 대화를 나누었다. Today (December 1st), I attended a meeting of amateur radio station autonomous guidance committee members hosted by the Gwangju Radio Wave Control Office and had many conversations about the crackdown on illegal radio stations. 今日(12月1日) 私は 光州電波管理所で主管した アマチュア無線局自律指導委員懇談会に出席し、不法無線局取り締まりについて多くの対話を交わした。 https://band.us/b..