지난 1월7일(토)에는 내가 본부장직을 맡고있는 한국아마추어무선연맹 광주본부의 신년하례회가 있었는데 많은 회원과 가족들이 참석하고 찬조를 해 주었다.
거의 8년만에 이런 큰 행사를 했는데 회원가족들간의 화합과 친목을 다지는 좋은 계기가 되었다.
On the 7th of January (Sat), there was a New Year's Celebration Party organized by the Gwangju Headquarters of the Korea Amateur Radio League, where I am the general manager, and many members and families attended and contributed.
It was the first time in 8 years that such a big event was held, and it served as a good opportunity to strengthen harmony and friendship among member families.
去る 1月7日(土)には 私が 本部長職を 務めている 韓国アマチュア無線連盟 光州本部の 新年賀礼会が あったが 多くの 会員と家族が 参加して 賛助を して くれた。
ほぼ 8年ぶりに このような 大きな 行事を したが、会員家族間の 和合と 親睦を 固める 良い きっかけと なった。
'나의 취미활동 > 아마추어무선(HAM)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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