8월14일~15일에는 광주 광산구 더하기센터에서 내가 본부장을 맡고있는 '한국아마추어무선연맹 광주본부'가 "국가 재난재해 대비 비상통신 소집훈련"을 실시하였는데 무더운 날씨에도 불구하고 많은 회원들이 참석하여 성황리에 잘 마무리하였다.
On August 14th and 15th, at the Plus Center in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, the 'Korea Amateur Radio League Gwangju Headquarters', where I am the head of the headquarters, conducted "Emergency Communication Call-up Training in Preparation for National Disasters". Despite the hot weather, many members attended and It was successfully finished.
8月14日~15日には、光州 光山区 プラスセンターで 私が本部長を務めている「韓国アマチュア無線連盟光州本部」が「国家災難災害に備えて緊急通信召集訓練」を実施したが、暑い天気にもかかわらず多くの会員が参加した。盛況裏によく仕上げた。
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