오늘(5월28일)은 우리 무진교회 남신도회 주관 봄나들이가 있어 메기찜으로 맛있는 점심식사를 하고 장성댐 수변 데크길과 출렁다리 두개를 돌아보며 즐거운 시간을 보내고 돌아왔다. Today (May 28), there was a spring outing hosted by men's congregation of Mujin Church, so we had a delicious lunch with steamed catfish and returned after having a good time looking around the deck road and two swing bridges at the waterside of Jangseong Dam. 今日(5月28日)は、私たちの 武進教会の 男信徒会 主観の 春の出入りがあ..