지난 11월9일과 10일 양일간은 북광주로타리클럽의 창립43주년 기념행사가 있었는데, 9일에는 자매클럽인 타이페이남문로타리클럽방문단의 환영만찬이 있었고 10일에는 북광주로타리클럽의 국제로타리 가입인준 43주년 행사가 성대하게 거행되었다.
우리 클럽의 창립회원인 나는 43년동안 회장도 두번씩이나 하고 여러가지 지구임원과 총재지역대표 등을 역임했다. 지나온 43년을 회고해보니 긴 세월동안의 희노애락이 파노라마처럼 지나가며 감개가 무량하다.
On November 9th and 10th, there was an event commemorating the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Gwangju-North Rotary Club. On the 9th, a welcome dinner party was held for a visiting group from the Taipei Nanmen Rotary Club, a sister club, and on the 10th, the 43th Charter transfer ceremony of the Gwangju-North Rotary Club was held on a grand scale.
As a charter member of our club, I have served twice as president for 43 years, as well as various district officers and assistant governor.
When I look back on the past 43 years, the joys and sorrows of the long years pass like a panorama, and I am deeply impressed.
去る11月9日と10日の両日間は 北光州ロータリークラブの創立43周年記念行事があったが、9日には姉妹クラブである 台北南門ロタリークラブ訪問団の歓迎晩餐があり、10日には 北光州ロータリークラブの国際ロータリー 加入認准43周年記念式が盛大に 行われた。
我が クラブの創立会員である 私は43年間会長も 二度やり 様々な地区役員と総裁地域代表などを歴任した。過ぎた 43年を 回顧して みると、長い 歳月の 間の 喜怒哀楽が パノラマの ように 過ぎて 感慨が 無量だ。
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