나의 발자취/국내여행

230512 충남 홍성군청 초청 팸투어

신바람투어/HL4CCM/김재호 2023. 5. 13. 15:19

5월12일에는 충청남도 홍성군청의 초청을 받아 홍주읍성과 에덴힐스 힐링파크를 견학하고 "바다송어정식"으로 맛있는 점심식사를 한 후에는 죽도를 탐방하여 섬 한바퀴를 둘러보았으며, 해안도로를 따라 몇군데 관광코스를 돌아보고 토굴젓갈로 유명한 광천시장에서 쇼핑도 한 후 "젓갈정식"으로 저녁식사까지 대접 받고 밤 10시가 넘어서야 집에 도착했다.
On May 12th, at the invitation of the Hongseong-gun Office of Chungcheongnam-do, we toured Hongjueup Castle and Eden Hills Healing Park in the morning, and after having a delicious lunch with “sea trout set meal,” we toured Jukdo Island and looked around the island. After visiting several sightseeing courses along the coastal road and shopping at Gwangcheon Market, which is famous for salted fish in the pit, we were treated to dinner with "salted fish set meal" and arrived home after 10 p.m.
5月12日には 忠清南道洪城郡庁の 招待を受け、洪州邑城と エデンヒルズヒーリングパークを見学し、「海マス定食」で おいしい ランチを 行った 後は 竹島を探訪して 島の一輪を巡り、海岸道路沿いに いくつかところで 観光コースを 振り返り、土掘塩漬け魚で 有名な 広川市場で ショッピングもした後、「塩漬け魚定食」で 夕食まで おもてなしされ、夜10時を過ぎて 家に着いた。
