나의 활동영역/로타리클럽

노틀담형제의집에 추석명절 선물 전달과 삼겹살 식사 봉사

신바람투어/HL4CCM/김재호 2022. 9. 7. 18:18

어제(9월6일)는 내가 41년째 창립회원으로 활동하고 있는 북광주로타리클럽 회원들괴 함께 여러해동안 봉사활동을 해 오고 있는 노틀담형제의집(고아원)에서 추석명절 선물 전달과 삼겹살 식사 봉사를 하고 왔다.
Yesterday (September 6th), I visited the Notre Dame Brothers House (orphanage) where we had been volunteering for many years with the members of the Rotary Club of Gwangju-North, which I have been active as a charter member for the past 41 years, and delivered Chuseok holiday gifts and served pork belly BBQ meal. 
昨日(9月6日)は、私が 41年目に 創立会員と して 活動している 北光州ロータリークラブ会員たちと 一緒に 何年もの間 奉仕活動を して きた ノートルダム兄弟の家(孤児院)で 秋夕祭りの 贈り物の 伝達と サムギョプサルの 食事奉仕を して 来ました。