Notice! English for QSO (2008/01/18) |
1. Phonetic code
A : Alfa, America, Able B : Bravo, Baker, Boston, Brazil C : Charlie, Canada D : Delta, Denmark, David E : Echo, Espania, Edward, Easy F : Foxtrot, Florida, France G : Golf, Germany, Guatemala, Granada H : Hotel, Hawaii, Henry, Honolulu I : India, Italy J : Juliet, John, Japan K : Kilo, Kilowatt, Kentucky L : Lima, London M : Mike, Merry, Mexico N : November, Nancy, Norway, Nicaragua O : Oscar, ontario P : Papa, Peter, Portugal Q : Quebec, Queen R : Romeo, Radio, Roger, Robert S : Sierra, Santiago, Sugar T : Tango, Tokyo, Texas, Toronto U : Uniform, Uruguay, Uncle V : Victor, Victioria W : Whisky, Washington X : X-Ray Y : Yankee, Yokohama, Yucatan Z : Zulu, Zebra, Zanzibar
2. 교신의 실제
1) 주파수 확인 (Is) this frequency occupied ? May I use this frequency ?
☆ 사용 중일 때 들려오는 소리 상대방 : I'm sorry, now occupied. (please QSY)/ Frequency (is) using. 응답 : (I'm so) sorry.(간단히)
2) CQ (Hello) CQ, This is Delta Sierra Four Alpha Golf November. 골프(무성음) (Not like this) 디이스 이즈 (차라리 디씨z) DS4AGN is calling CQ and standing by. (listening)
3) 상대방의 콜싸인을 잘 알아듣기 어려울 때 Callsign 모두 : (Sorry, I need your) call again. What's your call ? Prefix 만 : (I need your) prefix again (?) suffix 만 : (I need your) (말해보세요) Area number : (I need your) (말해보세요)
4) pile up 때 AB4AXM XM, please call again. / only XM come again, please.
5) 상대방이 내 콜을 잘못 copy했을 때 Please correct my call, my suffix is not CUI but CUY, not India but Yankee, over. Area Number : Please correct ...(말해보세요) prefix : (말해보세요)
6) 상대방의 말이 빠를 때 (My English is not so good) would you speak more slowly ? (over) 우쥬 스삐이크 (not 스로우리) 슬로울리
7) 첫인사 (Very) Good morning, (afternoon, evening) Thank you so much for coming back to my call.
8) Signal report Now, your signal is 5 and 9 (so beautiful), like a local station. 4 and 3 (heavy QR Mike, Nancy) so terrible.
9) 자기 소개 My name is Cha, I will spell it for you. Charlie ....... (또는) My handle is Dragon, spelled Denmark ............
10) QTH (and) my QTH (or QTH here) is Gwangju, spelled like Golf,........ again, Golf, ........ uniform. (보통 여기서 mic 넘김) How do you copy?
※ 상대방 콜싸인 DS4AEN, go ahead (over)
11) 상대방의 이름이나 QTH를 잘 못 들었을 때 (I'm sorry) I missed your name, May I have your name again ? I missed the first letter of your name, Could you spell it for me again ?
12) Working conditions Rig : My transceiver is Icom 756, running fifty watts now, (and) antenna : Antenna is four elements tri bander (Yagi) beam.
13) Weather Condition 날씨 : Weather here is now sunny.(cloudy, rainy snowy) and windy. 온도 : Temperature is (about) 16 degrees Celsius. (so cold, humid)
14) 만남의 횟수에 따라 첫만남 : I'm so glad to meet you for the first time. 다시만남: I'm so happy to meet you again, we have contacted in 1999. (last year).
15) 나이 I wonder how old you are. (I am) 35 years old. I was born in 1962. My age is 42.
16) 직업 What do you do (for a living)? What is your occupation? I am an engineer/ taxi driver/ now retired. My occupation is computer programmer/ school teacher.
17) QSL I will send you my card via the bureau/ directly./ immediately. I have not received your card yet.
18) QSL Information Can I have your address in the QRZ.com?/ Buck.com? You can have my address in the QRZ.com
19) 마무리 Thank you so much for the nice QSO. (contact) I really enjoyed the (great) QSO with you. I hope to meet you again in the near future.(on the other bands) My best regards to you.(또는 very 73) Thank you. bye (Good luck.)
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